The goal of Veg Reviewer has always been to give honest reivews of vegan food. I consider myself a very open minded individual with a decent palate having grown up between the Napa Valley (wine!) and the Farm to Fork (culinary delights!) Capital of the world. I always tell people I’m down to try anything…as long as it’s plant-based. Right off the bat I’m generally considered to be “hard to accomodate” which I hate because I really am easy-going, I just also happen to be passionate about animals.
Anyway, back to why Veg Reviewer exists. It’s fun! I like reviewing new vegan products. I do it internally anyway and I am inevitably asked by friends and family about vegan products (which I love, so keep doing it).
It took me about 3 years to publish this blog for the 49 people following me on IG because I was caught up in taking photos that looked like Food & Wine magazine or all my favorite vegan cooks. The truth is, I am not that person. I’m not particularily good at photography (although I would like to learn). I’m also not a full-time blogger and I don’t hope to strike it rich with my sarcastic food commentary.
Once I accepted the fact I wouldn’t be blowing your minds with my wanna-be food photography…The Veg Reviewer and its associated IG account @vegreviewer was launched. Three years later.
Join me for honest vegan reviews and terrible pics of great (vegan) food!